Our Services


  • Data Entry & Record Keeping
  • Accounts Payable & Accounts Receivables
  • Issuing Sales Invoices & Monthly Statements
  • Issuing Supplier Payment Runs
  • Bank Reconciliations
  • Maintaining Fixed Asset Register
  • Preparing Accounts to Trial Balance
  • Working alongside your accountant to ensure accurate information for annual returns


  • Processing of weekly/fortnightly/monthly payroll for all employees
  • Payroll set up for new employees
  • Submission of Payroll details to ROS
  • Review of Payroll Statements of Accounts on ROS and issue payments
  • Point of contact for ROS
  • Issuing of payroll reports

Tax Returns 

  • Preparation of VAT3 & VAT RTD returns & payments
  • Preparation of Personal Income Tax Returns